
How Can I Virtualize My Voice Networks?

Virtualization of voice is rapidly spreading through the business world as a way of reducing operating and IT expenses, deploying current software and applications, and streamlining disaster recovery plans.

Mitel and VMware have partnered together to allow businesses to converge voice and data in the same cloud based solution.  This, in turn, speeds up software and voice applications deployment exponentially, allowing IT staff to focus on more value-added initiatives.  In short, your IT department is spending less time putting out fires and dealing with server maintenance issues.  At the same time, business continuity and disaster recovery is streamlined as it is easy to transmit a virtual machine to an off-site recovery facility.

Mitel is leading the way in virtualization for one major reason: it solved the voice latency problem.  Latency in a non-real time application like email can be forgiven, as a message that is delayed 3 seconds won’t affect the user.  A 3 second delay in voice delivery, however, is unacceptable and would result in obvious customer and colleague frustration.  Mitel and VMware experts managed to solve the delay issue and virtualize voice.

Now, Mitel features can run on the VMware vSphere 4 virtualization platform, and can be downloaded and installed on any data-center server that’s running VMware vSphere.

The Cha-Ching! Factor

Virtualization can help achieve a reduction of up to 60% in infrastructure operating costs by consolidating applications to save real estate and server power.  Fewer servers means less real estate and lower cooling costs as well as less time spent on server management and administration.

To learn more about how you can reap the benefits of virtualizing voice call McEnroe Voice & Data today.